For teachers

Save valuable time!

The comprehensive support for teachers includes an extensive selection of diverse printed learning materials for primary and secondary school, enriched by cutting-edge multimedia and interactive content, as well as free supplementary material available online. This way, teachers can save valuable time and attend the many items of training which we organize every year especially for you, while our school representatives are available to you at all times, with advice, free presentations at your school, remotely through free online tools and with general support.


We are the largest educational publisher in Slovenia, publishing teaching materials for most subjects in primary and secondary school. We prepare about ten new learning kits every year, based on modern didactic approaches and enriched with multimedia and interactive content – the latter are currently given the most of our attention, as we want to raise teaching and learning to a new level.


Digital lesson support at

  • Dežela Lilibi with didactic multimedia and interactive content of various difficulty levels which encourage the development of numerous skills, abilities, and knowledge. Lilibi is also enriched by a number of additional sections to broaden the horizons of children, such as an extensive English section and sections on healthy eating, religions around the world and online safety.
  • e-materials of the Lili in Bine and Lili in Bine: Novi prijatelji series
  • the content intended for students follows the curriculum and includes all subjects of the first triad of primary school
  • teacher’s materials including comprehensive, accurate, and practical suggestions for classroom work (only available to teachers)
  • the Učitelj učitelju folder with teachers’ shared contributions (only available to teachers)
  • klikTEST – an online test generator offering over 1000 tasks for compiling tests for knowledge testing and assessment (only available to teachers)
  • news for teachers of the 1st triad (only available to teachers)


Radovednih pet
Digital lesson support at

  • rich interactive material in basic and/or advanced form (interactive activity books, textbooks, and readers)
  • in its basic form, the material is identical in content and design to the printed one, yet it is added a simple toolbox with numerous useful tools
  • the material in its advanced form is designed as interactive multimedia pages enriched with videos, animations, interactive tasks and other additions
  • teacher’s materials including comprehensive, accurate, and practical suggestions for classroom work (only available to teachers)
  • klikTEST – an online test generator offering over 1300 tasks for compiling tests for knowledge testing and assessment (only available to teachers)
  • news for teachers of Grades 4 and 5 (only available to teachers)

English with Lili and Bine


Digital lesson support at

  • the web player contains a compilation of over 190 e-materials for primary and secondary school, which you can permanently adapt to your taste
  • each sequence of the material at this portal is an upgrade of the Rokus printed edition bearing the same title
  • all materials offer a toolbox with many useful tools, and some are enriched with interactive tasks, audio and video recordings, web links and other multimedia add-ons
  • in the “New” section, new learning materials, which allow teachers a constant insight into the process of preparing new materials, from the sample content to the final version of the material

Digital lesson support at

  • the web portal offers a collection of interactive learning materials for primary school, available as part of the iRokus+, Maximal and Slovenščina v oblaku learning kits, as well as collections of multimedia and interactive content for Physics, Chemistry, Science, Geography and History
  • advanced interactive materials in the form of interactive pages provide clear visualization of content with high-quality educational videos in Slovenian, didactic animations, simulations, and interactive tasks

English with Lili and Bine

Digital lesson support at

  • the web player contains a compilation of over 190 e-materials for primary and secondary school, which you can permanently adapt to your taste
  • each sequence of the material at this portal is an upgrade of the Rokus printed edition bearing the same title
  • all materials offer a toolbox with many useful tools, and some are enriched with interactive tasks, audio and video recordings, web links and other multimedia add-ons
  • in the “New” section, new learning materials, which allow teachers a constant insight into the process of preparing new materials, from the sample content to the final version of the material


Every year, we organize various educational gatherings, webinars, and other events for primary and secondary school teachers, where we present primary and secondary school teachers with our new editions and discuss different aspects and approaches to teaching. Under the auspices of the Modra akademija educational programme, distinguished local speakers discuss educational topics related to the professional growth of pedagogical and other professionals. Printed manuals of the Učiteljeva orodja series include current topics in the field of pedagogy presented by experienced authors; carefully selected content offers many tips and effective solutions for teachers’ work with students.


Every year, we organize various educational gatherings in the form of individual presentations at your school and in the form of regional meetings (seminars)in major cities in Slovenia, where authors and editors present new editions of learning materials and discuss different aspects and approaches to teaching, as well as new top-notch multimedia content, which is an indispensable element of today’s teaching. Increasingly, teachers are also getting acquainted with innovations through well-attended free webinars.

Learn more at


Modra akademija
Modra akademija operates under the auspices of two partner publishing houses, leaders in the field of education: Založba Rokus Klett and Modrijan izbraževanje. It offers current educational topics, whose common denominator is the competences of the future, knowledge and skills that enable pedagogical and professional workers personal and professional growth.

All topics were created in collaboration with experienced speakers and take you along the path to the goal: the acknowledgement that the best investment is an investment in knowledge. The speakers share with the participants their rich expertise and practical experience, which they can put into practice immediately.

The Modra akademija training for primary school teachers addresses the areas of creative thinking and new approaches to teaching, classroom conflict management, emotion management for all relations, critical thinking and the shift from convergent to lateral thinking, motivation and communication, being the key virtues of a successful teacher.

Learn more at


Working with students certainly brings on many challenges! To help, here is the Učiteljeva orodja series. Experiences authors of the printed manuals present current topics in the field of pedagogy presented by experienced authors; carefully selected content offers many tips and effective solutions for teachers’ work with students. The series is added new editions every year.

Order your copy at


For a free presentation of learning materials, advice, explanation, or answer to a question, our school representatives are gladly available to you. They pay you a visit at your school if necessary, or connect with you remotely via free online tools (Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom, etc.).

Slavica Bela

Slavica Bela

School representative
031 622 751

Marinka Velikanje

Marinka Velikanje

School representative
031 725 534

Suada Čaušević

Suada Čaušević

School representative
040 560 847

Andreja Hrušovar

Andreja Hrušovar

School representative
041 866 696

Blaž Hrušovar

Blaž Hrušovar

School representative
040 767 290

Marjeta Juvan

Marjeta Juvan

Foreign Languages Consultant
051 207 500